After a week of unexpected stay at the NICU (Newborn Intensive Care Unit) Lincoln finally came home to us. The extra stay was nothing serious, more just procautionary, as the day before we were to leave, Lincoln ran a high fever. But all is well now, as we settle (hopefully into a routine of good sleeps and eats.
Mikey Man however insists on doing things his way. Be it known that Mikey Man is the alpha male in this house. His behavior has turned from sweet and gentle, to violent and inciteful. Annie finds it easier to spend most Lincoln's waking hours in Mikey Man's room. This way, Mikey Man is able to assert his dominance by showing everyone (just Annie and Lincoln) how cool his toys are or how strong his headbutts can be.
Above you will see a picture of our new residence (We moved in mid February). Annie wanted a divorce (kidding?) if we didn't move out of our old two bedroom sardine can. As a husband, I learned quickly that a happy wife is a happy husband.